Scripture Reading - Joshua 1:8

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. KJV

Notice that there are six (6) personal pronouns concerning yourself in the verse above. The first pronoun mentions “thy mouth” which means you need to speak forth the Book of the Law. In the days of Moses (and Joshua) the Book of the Law represented the Torah. Some refer to this Holy Book of the Torah or as the Pentateuch which is the first five books of the Holy Bible commonly known as “The Law” of Moses. The instruction to the Jews was to take the words of God written in The Law and do (observe) them diligently. The second pronoun mentions “thou shalt meditate” which means you need to use your mind. We must be totally in-tune with God’s thoughts to think like God. This was never intended to be a mystery but simply a matter of hearing the spoken Word of God and believing these words in your mind to accept them as God’s Truth. The third personal pronoun mentions “thou mayest observe to do” which means you should obey God’s Word. When the Lord tells Joshua to observe His Word for the sole purpose of “doing” His Word it is not a suggestion. We should never be so preoccupied with reading God’s Word that we neglect (forget) to do God’s Word. Many people hear God’s Word preached and/or taught each week but how many people purpose to do God’s Word everyday. The fourth personal pronoun states “then thou shalt make” which means you will start creating good in the earth. Yes, using God’s Word as a spoken sword of light will cut through the darkness of this world. Which bring us to the fifth pronoun mentioned which is “thy way”. You, fellow believer, can make a way in a wilderness. Notice this said “thy way” because is it your way that needs to be prosperous, God’s Way is already prosperous. Of course Heaven is prosperous where God rules but what about you here upon the earth where you rule (your household, your business)? The sixth pronoun is “then thou shalt have” good success which means “good success” is conditional. “Good success” is honest success that was established upon good solid biblical principles, not on the lottery or an inheritance. Yes, “good success” is long lasting because you clearly understand that your house is built upon the foundation of God so no evil thing can hurt you. Therefore “you” are responsible for your prosperity! So go forth in the Power of God’s Word by applying these first three principles to your personal life to enjoy the “Good Success” of God. Amen!